
Alpha! Cristiano/Omega! James



So he said that Omega with brown hair, eyes that were lighter by the lights of the room and blue jeans, with that body that Cristiano scanned with his eyesight, to sleep with him. It was as if the king had chosen the courtier and that poor boy had no choice but to accept him because he was Cristiano Ronaldo and was becoming, faster than he could handle, a world football star.

But he refused. He shook his head and went back to his seat, and Cristiano watched as the rest of his friends were filled him with question, stung him by any hint of what was going on there. One of the teammates of Cristiano said hello to one girl who was sitting next to the boy and Cristiano found his chance, again. The only thing Cristiano heard coming from the Colombian’s lips was his name when he asked. James. And in fact, it was not a name he would remember for the next few days. When James finally gave him a shy smile, Cristiano had no choice but to dust off his forgotten tenderness. He smiled at the boy, approached him and whispered very slowly, so that no one else could hear: quiero besarte.

Cristiano never knew the reason why James slept with him, but he supposed that it was the same reason the rest of the boys and girls did, because an Alpha like him was difficult to find and at least they would have a story to tell one day, even if no one believed them: "I got laid with Cristiano Ronaldo”. And things happened. And Cristiano never saw this James again; he left when he was asleep, in that miserable room of any Medellin motel.


几个月之后你罗在世界杯期间接到门德斯的电话 说那个哥伦比亚男孩is expecting a child and father is impossible someone else but Cristiano
你罗大型懵逼,罗妈在哈妹生下孩子后第一时间飞到麦德林带走了迷你,并且签署了巨额的保密协议作为换得孩子唯一抚养权和哈妹永久保守秘密的代价。James, 一个还没有满19岁的omega(你罗珍素禽兽),懵懂无知,无所依靠,梦想着成为一名职业足球运动员,根本没有任何选择。然鹅哈妹一直在悔恨和绝望中煎熬了6年。
He offers James ten million dollars to give up the creature forever. No visits, no greetings, nothing. As if he had never been inside you, as if nothing had ever been taken from your belly. Dolores and Jorge repeat exactly the words of Cristiano for James and James, young, alone, confused and eaten by the powerful reality that means to have a son, to keep a son, signs the contract that will take him away forever from the boy whom he has not seen a second since they took him off the belly. He signs the contract that is clear and decisive: he will never see the fruit of his entrails again.

罗总的生活改变发生在迷你6岁生日那天,Cristiano receive a call from the omega who gave birth to his son Junior.

这篇的文笔还不错,虐点泪点都很戳人,现实中穿插的哈妹的苦涩回忆,罗哥对于哈妹来说是一个梦,the person you idolize for years突然出现,向表达爱意,哪个男孩能抵挡得住呢?然鹅你罗转身无情离开,梦醒得太快,哈妹痛苦了这么多年,爱他同时也是记恨你罗的。罗哥因为哈妹跟别的alpha来往而愤怒时,哈妹指责罗哥简直句句在理一针见血:

Why are you so jealous of Arturo?" James finally decided to chide. "All these months, since we met again, you have been with Georgina at the same time you try to have something between us. And have I reproached you? No. I kept quiet. Because I want you and Junior to be okay and I know it's difficult for other people to understand so I didn't interpose between you and her, but you just saw that Arturo and I met, that we hugged each other, because we are two friends and you make a scandal. That is so unfair, Cristiano. I have had to endure every appearance of yours with Georgina, every kiss, every hug and everything in silence"

但这篇的硬伤就是有些情节发展太突然,像脱缰的野狗,为了狗血而狗血hhhhhh我甚至怀疑自己少看了几章 前一章还对哈妹如临大敌针锋言语刻薄的总裁,下一章在公众场合偶遇哈妹深情凝望得连路都走不动了导致变成报纸头条233333

Cristiano is looking at him, Cristiano has stopped and Sergio has stayed next, frowning. The other people try to get a picture of Ronaldo, an autograph, a sign, something, but Cristiano is just looking at him. If James was eighteen, this, what is happening now, would be all he ever wanted. And Cristiano's eyes tell him things, they talk to him, they smile at him but James cannot read any of it, the time is like stopped, like stalled. There are a lot of cameras and journalists around and Cristiano doesn't seem to mind taking a chance, but James does.
Sergio is the one who breaks the contact, pulling Cristiano by the arm and taking him way to the exit but it's useless, everything has been too slow, too imprecise. Journalists and paparazzi have what they need, and when James sneaks into people, that's all he can think of. But, again, that doesn't seem to matter to Cristiano

接着对马蓬蓬坦然承认every time I saw him, it will remind me why I slept with him years ago,可能哈妹真的是他一生挚爱(?????

迷你:I don’t care, I love him
I don't care if he's with another alpha. Maybe you do care, but not me
迷你:I love him and I’ll forgive him, we’ll live happy together even you are still mad




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